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North Carolina Life Insurance: The Difference Between Term and Whole Life Insurance

When you are looking for life insurance, you will be faced with the option of term life insurance and whole life insurance. The differences can sound confusing at first.

At Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services, we want Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC residents to get the right life insurance coverage for their needs. 

Learn about the difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance here.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is a simplified life insurance policy that is active for a set number of years, or a term. It could be a five-year term, 10-year term, or 20-year term. 

If you pass on before the term ends, the coverage is paid out in one lump sum to your beneficiary. If the term ends before you pass, you can then convert your policy to more permanent life insurance or renew it depending on your circumstances at the time.

An insurance agent and broker can help you to determine the needs of your beneficiary, and how long your term should be, as well as how much coverage you should have. For example, a $500,000 life insurance policy on a 10-year term would give your beneficiary $50,000 a year to live on for 10 years.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that does not have a term. It lasts for the rest of your life or as long as you pay premiums on it. Some whole life insurance policies have a cash-value amount, where you can cash out some of your life insurance before you pass away.

Some of your premiums go into a separate account, and after a certain amount of time paying will be eligible to cash that out or withdraw it. You can also borrow against the account.

Get a Quote

When you are purchasing life insurance, you will need to talk to an agent to get the right quote and information on what kind of policy is best for you. Both have their benefits and advantages. At Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services, we want Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC residents to get the right life insurance product for their lives. Call us for a quote today.

Icy Roads and Auto Insurance

Icy roads are not familiar in Charlotte or Waxhaw, NC. However, they can occur and often cause a lot of crashes due to inexperience. We at Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services find that many in this area are not prepared for this situation.

Who’s at Fault in This Crash?

When you crash due to ice on the road, you will be the one at fault. Officers and the law decide this situation based on the idea that you were driving too fast for the conditions. Therefore, even if they did not see you crash, they can safely assume that you were driving too fast because you crashed. 

This is a very clever legal Catch-22 that often makes your insurance kick in if you cause damage or injuries to other people. However, it is vital to understand every element of this situation to ensure that you get the best understanding. 

What Your Insurance Covers 

What your policy covers depends on what kind of coverage you set up. For example, bodily injuries to others that you hit will be covered by your auto insurance policy. And PIP coverage will help to cover any injuries to you or those in your vehicle. 

You may also get payments for damage to your vehicle, damage to other cars or property, towing costs, lost wages, and much more. All of these costs can add up and will be paid up to your policy’s limits. If the overall prices are too high, there may be some issues. 

Help is Available 

If you need help finding an auto insurance policy and you aren’t sure where to turn, contact us at Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services, serving Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC. We’ll do what we can to help protect you from this situation and ensure that you are safe and financially secure.

Is Your Renters Insurance Up to Date?

Getting renters insurance can protect your Charlotte or Waxhaw, NC area rented house or apartment stay safe. However, what happens if your policy is not up to date or if you’ve let it lapse? We’ve seen this happen at Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services, and the results are never good.

What Happens If Your Policy is Not Up to Date?

Your renter’s insurance policy is designed to protect your belongings in a rented home and help when you experience a total loss scenario. For example, if a house burns down, and you’re renting it, the landlord’s home insurance won’t help you. But your renter’s insurance policy will kick in and give you the help that you need to minimize the potential for a total loss that you’d otherwise experience. 

However, if you let your insurance policy lapse or get out of date, you won’t have any coverage on your belongings. Even if your insurance has lapsed a short period, you may have no coverage. Some companies or policies have a grace period after your insurance is out of date, during which it will still cover you. Unfortunately, not all companies provide this option, and you may end up stuck. 

So, how can you tell if your policy is up to date? First, check your insurance paperwork and see when you need to make your next payment. You can also contact your insurance agent and ask them if you are behind in any fees or if you need to upgrade your policy for better coverage.

Help is Available for You 

As you can see, keeping your insurance policy up to date is critical for your overall financial needs. So, if you live in Charlotte or Waxhaw, NC, or the surrounding area and need insurance help, please contact us at Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services right away to learn more about your options here. 

What Does Motorhome Insurance Typically Cover?

Do you own a motorhome or another recreational vehicle? If so, you need RV insurance. Often, such insurance is required by law. Further, insurance will protect you, your family, and your property in case of an accident or another event.

Motorhome insurance covers a lot of things. We’ll take a look at some of the things commonly covered by RV insurance. However, it’s smart to read each individual plan so you know exactly what is and is not covered.

If you have questions, contact Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services which serves Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC and other areas nearby.

Here’s What Motorhome Insurance May Cover

Most states require that vehicles be covered by liability insurance. This insurance will cover damages to other parties. If a motorhome driver rear-ends someone, for example, liability insurance may pay for damages to their vehicle and may also cover medical bills.

Liability insurance is vital for protecting other parties. You may also opt for collision coverage for your own property and to cover your medical bills. If someone sideswipes you and your motorhome topples over, your insurance may pay for the repairs or help you buy a new motorhome. You insurance may cover medical bills resulting from the accident as well.

You can also get comprehensive insurance plans that will cover other events, such as weather damage, vandalism, and theft. Collision and liability insurance typically don’t cover these events. Comprehensive insurance may not cover certain things, such as the theft of personal property inside of your vehicle, so make sure you read the fine print.

If you own a motorhome, you should have the appropriate motorhome insurance plan. Do you need just liability insurance or should you also get comprehensive insurance? It’s wise to speak with an insurance agent.

Reach out to Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services, serving Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC and other local communities, to learn more!

Boating Safety Tips

Going out on the boat can be a fun outdoor activity in Waxhaw, NC. In addition to having fun, it is essential to pay attention and keep yourself and everyone on the boat with you safe. Before you go out and launch your boat, check out these safety tips. Also, give us a call at Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services’ Charlotte to discuss how to protect your boat with an insurance policy. 

Keep Navigation Lights On

When traveling on the water at night, you should keep your navigation lights on. Having your lights on from sunset to sunrise ensures other boats can see you. In addition, keeping the lights on lessens your chance of having an accident with another vessel. 

Do Not Overload the Boat

Check the vessel’s capacity and carry the number of allowed passengers and weight the boat can handle. Overloading the boat can make it slow in the water and could cause it to tilt more to one side or another and possibly capsize it.

Have Life Jackets Available

There should be enough life jackets on board for each passenger to have one. Additionally, young children and those who are not strong swimmers should wear their life jackets at all times while out on the water. 

Check the Emergency Kit

An emergency kit, complete with navigation charts, flares, a first aid kit, and fire extinguishers, should be kept on the boat at all times. Regularly check the emergency kit to ensure everything is there, and nothing has expired. 

Tell Someone Your Boating Plan

Tell someone who is not going out on the boat with you where you plan to be and what time you will return. Then if you do not return, there is someone who can alert the authorities and tell them where to start looking for your boat. 

Before you go out on the water in Waxhaw, NC, call our office at Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services’ Charlotte for details on how to protect your boat. 

Introduction to Condo Insurance

Typically, condos are affordable compared to single-family homes. For this reason, condos are popular with homeowners operating on a tight budget or looking to downsize. While owning a condo is a significant step in your life, you need condo insurance to complete your condo ownership journey. If you are unfamiliar with condo insurance, here is a brief guide from Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services, serving Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC, and surrounding areas. 

Doesn’t the condo association policy cover my condo?

While it’s true your condo owners association (COA) has a master policy, this coverage protects the outside of your building and damages and injuries occurring in common areas such as the tennis court and lobby. In light of this, the COA master policy doesn’t protect damage to your dwelling’s interior and other assets.

What does condo insurance cover?

Given that perils like fire, theft, and vandalism are a constant threat to condo owners, you need condo insurance to protect your assets. Here are the areas covered by condo insurance:

  • Interior dwelling coverage: Covers the inside of your dwelling, including walls, fireplace, roof, floors, light fixtures, and plumbing system.
  • Assets protection: Safeguards your assets from loss or damage from perils like theft, hail, fire, vandalism, and many others. 
  • Liability claims: Covers you against property damage and bodily injury that you and your family members cause to third parties. For instance, if a guest injures their leg while on your premises, condo insurance covers the medical costs.
  • Loss of use: This coverage pays for additional living expenses you incur while in a temporal residence while your dwelling is undergoing repairs caused by a covered risk.

Because condo insurance doesn’t cover your entire building, it’s surprisingly affordable. If you are shopping for condo insurance, please contact Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services, serving Charlotte and Waxhaw NC, and nearby areas, for an affordable quote. 

Introduction to Condo Insurance

Typically, condos are affordable compared to single-family homes. For this reason, condos are popular with homeowners operating on a tight budget or looking to downsize. While owning a condo is a significant step in your life, you need condo insurance to complete your condo ownership journey. If you are unfamiliar with condo insurance, here is a brief guide from Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services, serving Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC, and surrounding areas. 

Doesn’t the condo association policy cover my condo?

While it’s true your condo owners association (COA) has a master policy, this coverage protects the outside of your building and damages and injuries occurring in common areas such as the tennis court and lobby. In light of this, the COA master policy doesn’t protect damage to your dwelling’s interior and other assets.

What does condo insurance cover?

Given that perils like fire, theft, and vandalism are a constant threat to condo owners, you need condo insurance to protect your assets. Here are the areas covered by condo insurance:

  • Interior dwelling coverage: Covers the inside of your dwelling, including walls, fireplace, roof, floors, light fixtures, and plumbing system.
  • Assets protection: Safeguards your assets from loss or damage from perils like theft, hail, fire, vandalism, and many others. 
  • Liability claims: Covers you against property damage and bodily injury that you and your family members cause to third parties. For instance, if a guest injures their leg while on your premises, condo insurance covers the medical costs.
  • Loss of use: This coverage pays for additional living expenses you incur while in a temporal residence while your dwelling is undergoing repairs caused by a covered risk.

Because condo insurance doesn’t cover your entire building, it’s surprisingly affordable. If you are shopping for condo insurance, please contact Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services, serving Charlotte and Waxhaw NC, and nearby areas, for an affordable quote. 

Should I Invest in Life Insurance?

Life insurance is crucial in safeguarding your loved ones financially if a tragedy strikes. Unluckily, many Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC residents, like many Americans, go without it. Statistics demonstrate that nearly half of Americans don’t have life insurance coverage. Most people assume life insurance is expensive, unnecessary, or don’t know the insurance plan’s benefits. 

If you are unsure if you need to invest in life insurance, hang on as Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services demonstrates why life insurance is a worthwhile investment. 

Protects your dependents

A life insurance policy is an ultimate protection against losing the insured’s income upon his demise. The beneficiary receives the benefits, getting cushioned against financial difficulties after the policyholder passes away. 

Covers your debts

Life insurance pays for your mortgage, credit card, or student loan when you die. Instead of burdening your spouse or cosigners with financial liabilities when you die, purchase life insurance.  

If you have a business

Life insurance protects your business partners and employees when you die by replacing your financial contribution. 

Life insurance covers final expenses.

Many Americans have inadequate savings to cater for emergency expenses, signaling a financial burden in settling funeral expenses. This policy pays for burial costs without beneficiaries having to dip into their savings.

Life insurance can supplement your retirement savings

If you procure whole, universal, or variable insurance coverage, it accumulates cash value in addition to providing death benefits. This cash value builds over time, and it can cover expenses such as purchasing a house.

Buy life insurance today!

Not only does a life insurance policy support your beneficiaries after your untimely death, but it carries other benefits even for persons without dependents. Are you searching for life insurance in Charlotte, Waxhaw, NC, and the surrounding areas? Feel free to contact us or visit our offices at Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services for a comprehensive life insurance policy.

What Is Renters Insurance, and What Does it Cover?

Many uninsured renters in Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC, live under the belief that their landlord insurance shields their possessions against calamities. The ultimate truth is that your landlord policy does not protect tenants. To this end, you need renters insurance, which is a form of coverage that safeguards your personal belongings against unpredictable calamities such as electrical surges, fire, and vandalism.

No matter the location of your apartment or condo in Charlotte or Waxhaw, NC, your renters’ insurance policy can protect your finances if disasters strike. Connect with us at Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services today for a customized quote, and learn more about selecting the perfect renters’ insurance policy that befits your needs and budget.

What is renters insurance?

Renters insurance plan protects tenants and their personal belongings against perils like:

  • Fire
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Windstorm
  • Hail
  • Lightning

Renters insurance gives you inner peace of mind by knowing that your belongings get shielded if they are stolen or damaged by covered perils. Visit us today at Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services offices and talk to our passionate agents about acquiring renters’ insurance coverage.

What does renters’ insurance cover?

Renters insurance provides the below protection: 

  • Content coverage: This form of policy protects your clothing, furniture, and other possessions from covered disasters such as lightning, windstorm, explosion, and vandalism.
  • Additional living expenses (ALE): It pays for reimbursement for additional living expenses when your apartment is uninhabitable after a covered calamity strikes.
  • Personal liability coverage: Covers property damage or inflicted bodily injuries that arise from an accident at your premises. It also pays for damages that your household pets have propagated.
  • Medical payments coverage: It reimburses medical expenses for anyone injured while on your premises.

What does renters insurance not cover?

While renters insurance protects you against several perils, it won’t cover the below:

  • Valuables like jewelry
  • Home business
  • Motorized vehicles

Are you seeking renters’ insurance in Charlotte and Waxhaw, NC? Call or visit our Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services offices for a quote.

Will Auto Insurance Cover Rental Cars?

If you are taking a trip out from Charlotte or Waxhaw, NC, and you’re thinking of taking a rental instead of the family car, you may be wondering if your personal auto insurance will extend to your rental car.

The short answer: Yes, it will.

Generally speaking, the rule of thumb is that the insurance follows the driver, not the car. So if you’re borrowing a friend’s car or renting a car, your insurance will cover it.

This gets a little more complicated when we’re talking about collision and comprehensive coverage value. If you drive with minimum insurance, that is, no comprehensive or collision insurance at all, then any damage to the rental car will come out of your pocket. Likewise, if you have far less comprehensive and collision insurance than the value of the rental car, then you will have to make up the difference.

But in more cases than not, a renter’s insurance is more than adequate to cover the value of the rental car.

So to make it short: Your insurance extends to a rental car, but you’ll want to make sure that you have enough insurance to cover the damages should something happen to the rental car. That means you will at least need adequate comprehensive and collision insurance. Otherwise, you might have to wind up buying insurance from the rental company and paying more than you’d like.

If you have any questions or if you’re looking to get covered in Charlotte or Waxhaw, NC, get in touch with Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services. Hausmann Insurance & Financial Services can get you the policy you need to cover you in your car or someone else’s.